Tuesday, March 13

yet another

more pearls

lightbulbs - clear or white?

Here are the 6" bulbs in a clear and white. Can be painted. Bradfield has strands that hold 24 or 50. Kiki has the costs. 2-3 days ordering time from lightbulb depot. Under $2 bulk in sets of 24.

Notes from Kiki ::
48' has 24 sockets & the sockets are every 2 feet
102 feet has 50 sockets
the prices are
and $135.00
but we want the short ones because of the high wattage of the bulb

And I thought you all might like this variation:

cedars of lebanon

Trent has been scouting the Cedars of Lebanon for a mature wooded set of oak or pine that have dense growth with forest floor. This is the location for the performance, to be shot on the full moon on April 2nd.